BOarch | Architects Melbourne Australia
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About BOarch

BOarch  is a  multidisciplinary practice led by Christina Bozsan.  The work is undertaken in the belief that great Architecture, Design and Planning should be pursued through all scales, budgets and functional requirements of their work with a strong focus on providing a deeply collaborative client / architect briefing process.

BOarch uses  its founders considerable experience in large scale design practice and complex architectural briefs to bring innovation and clarity to this boutique architectural practice through strong physical and planning gestures. The work of the studio  investigates innovative spaces, materiality, sustainability, functionality.

New Homes

BOarch uses both contemporary design thinking and spatial innovation to deliver homes that will enrich and celebrate the everyday activities of it’s occupants.


Working at many scales and using innovative form and planning solutions, BOarch works to not only create the additional space needed but to rethink the planning and integration of the dwelling as a whole.


BOarch draws on their extensive experience in Design and Construction Management to provide innovative solutions to manage all challenges that may arise through the design and construction process.

Our Projects

BOarch undertakes a variety of architectural projects including , housing , extensions, renovations, public and event spaces and design collaborations

Christina Bozsan

Bachelor of Architecture (1st Hons) from the University of Melbourne.

Bachelor of Planning and Design (1st Hons) from the University of Melbourne.

Christina has worked both in New York and Melbourne Architectural practices since 2004. She has undertaken studies at the University of California, Berkeley and traveled extensively through Europe, USA and Asia.

Before commencing BOarch, Christina spent 6 years at Lyons developing invaluable expertise in the design and delivery of public spaces. This expertise involved not only seeking innovate design solutions to meet the client brief but also understanding how to achieve them within the regulatory framework, budget and construction methodology. These skills were garnered through various significant institutional and educational buildings, a key milestone of which was Melbourne Brain Centre a building awarded Public Architecture award (2012 Australian Institute of Architects, Vic Chapter).
Always engaged in and expanding design ideas and knowledge, Christina also teaches regularly at Melbourne University and RMIT, where she runs design studios and teaches sustainable practices to the next generation of Architects.